The following is a list of important dates designated for creating awareness of children’s issues. Please send us an email at [email protected] if you would like to see other dates included in this list.
At House of Mercy Children’s Home, Lagos, Nigeria (HOM), we endeavour to challenge those with responsibility to protect the rights of children to survival, development and wellbeing as established under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
We hope that the following dates will mobilise and inspire concerned organisations and individuals to take action to improve the lives of children and that the relevant government departments will ensure that children are placed at the forefront of the development agenda.
African Renaissance – Our vision is of a prosperous and peaceful African continent where every child lives in safety and dignity and is enabled to reach his or her full potential.
- 1 January The Haitian Revolution: January 1, 1804
Haitian Revolution – Révolution haïtienne – Revolução haitiana
- 4 January World Braille Day
- 21 January World religion Day
Icons of the Bible – Icônes de la Bible – Ícones da Bíblia
- 29 January World Leprosy Eradication Day
- 12 February International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers
Africans United for Peace – Africains Unis pour la Paix – Africanos unidos pela paz
- 21 February International Mother Language Day
Mother Tongue Education in Africa – Education dans la langue maternelle en Afrique – Educação na língua materna em África
- 3 March World Hearing Day
- 8 March International Women’s Day
- 21 March International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
“Lord, why did you make me Black?” – “Seigneur, pourquoi m’as-tu fait Noir? ” – “Dios, ¿por qué me hiciste Negro?” – “Senhor, por que você me fez Negro?”
- 22 March World Water Day
- 2 April World Autism Awareness Day
- 6 April International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace – Journée Mondiale du Sport pour le Développement et la Paix – Día Internacional del Deporte para el Desarrollo y la Paz
- 7 April World Health Day
HIV/AIDS in Children – VIH/SIDA chez les Enfants – HIV/AIDS em Crianças – VIH/SIDA en Niños
- 12 April International Day for Street Children
International Day for Street Children – Journée Internationale des Enfants des Rues – Día Internacional de los Niños de la Calle
- 23 April World Book and Copyright Day (also known as International Day of the Book or World Book Day)
African library – Bibliothèque Africaine – Biblioteca Africana
- 25 April World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day – Journée Mondiale du Paludisme – Dia Mundial da Malária
- 15 May International Day of Families
International Day of Families – Journée internationale des familles – Dia Internacional das Famílias
- 25 May Africa Day
African Renaissance – Renaissance Africaine – Renascença Africana
African Kings – Rois d’Afrique – Reis de África
African Queens – Reines d’Afrique – Rainhas da África
- 27 May Children’s Day Nigeria
- 28 May Menstrual Hygiene Day
- 4 June International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
Stop Child Abuse – Arrêtons la Maltraitance des Enfants – Parar o Abuso Infantil
- 12 June World Day against Child Labour
- 12 June Democracy Day Nigeria
Homage to African Revolutionaries and Freedom Fighters
African Rulers in Defense of Sovereignty
- 13 June International Albinism Awareness Day
International Albinism Awareness Day – Journée Internationale de Sensibilisation à l’Albinisme – Dia Mundial de Consciencialização do Albinismo
- 16 June Day of the African Child
Our Children, Our Future – Nos enfants, Notre Avenir – Nossas Crianças, Nosso futuro
19 June World Sickle Cell Day
World Sickle Cell Day – Journée Mondiale de Lutte contre la Drépanocytose – Dia Mundial de Conscientização sobre a Doença Falciforme
- 20 June World Refugee Day
World Refugee Day – Journée Mondiale des Réfugiés – Dia Mundial do Refugiado
Africans United for Peace – Africains Unis pour la Paix – Africanos Unidos pela Paz
- 26 June International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 17 July World Day for International Justice
Justice and Reparation – Justice et Réparation – Justiça e Reparação
The Long Overdue Reparation – La Réparation Attendue depuis Longtemps – A Reparação Há Muito Vencida
- 12 August International Youth Day
- 23 August International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
Arab-Led Slavery of Africans – Traite Négrière Arabe – Tráfico Árabe de Escravos
Transatlantic Slave Trade – Traite Négrière Transatlantique – Tráfico de Escravos Transatlântico
30 August International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances
- 8 September International Literacy Day
Children’s Library – Bibliothèque pour Enfants – Biblioteca para Niños
Digital literacy – Alphabétisation numérique – Literacia digital
Free Holiday Computer Lessons for Children – Cours d’Informatique Gratuits pour Enfants – Aulas de Computação Gratuitas para Crianças
- 10 September World Suicide Prevention Day
Mental Health & Wellness Resources – Ressources de Santé Mentale et de Bien-être – Recursos de Saúde Mental e Bem-estar
- 15 September World Afro Day
World Afro Day – Journée Mondiale des Cheveux Afro – Dia Mundial do Cabelo Afro
- 23 September International Day against Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking
- 1 October Independence Day Nigeria
Homage to African Revolutionaries and Freedom Fighters
African Rulers in Defense of Sovereignty
- 5 October World Teachers’ Day
World Teachers’ Day – Journée Mondiale des Enseignants – Dia Mundial do Professor
- 10 October World Mental Health Day
Mental Health & Wellness Resources – Ressources de Santé Mentale et de Bien-être – Recursos de Saúde Mental e Bem-estar
- 11 October International Day of the Girl Child
- 15 October Global Handwashing Day
Infection Prevention and Control – Prévention et Contrôle des Infections – Prevenção e Controlo de Infecções
- 16 October World Food Day
- 17 October International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Africa’s Blueprint for Action – Plan d’action pour l’Afrique – Plano de Acção para a África
- 24 October World Polio Day
- 30 October Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security
Food Security in Africa – Sécurité Alimentaire en Afrique – Segurança Alimentar em África
Lake Chad Basin Food Crisis – Crise Alimentaire du Bassin du Lac Tchad – Crise Alimentar da Bacia do Lago Chade
- 1 November Africa Youth Day
Youth Unemployment in Africa – Chômage des Jeunes en Afrique – Desemprego dos Jovens na África
- 19 November World Toilet Day
- 20 November Universal Children’s Day
- 20 November Brazil Black Awareness Day
Brazil Black Awareness Day – Journée de la Conscience Noire au Brésil – Dia da Consciência Negra no Brasil
- 25 November International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women & Girls
Stop violence against Girls – Stop à la violence faite aux Filles – Pare a violência contra meninas
- 1 December World AIDS Day
HIV/AIDS in Children – VIH/SIDA chez les Enfants – HIV/AIDS em Crianças – VIH/SIDA en Niños
- 2 December International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
Justice and Reparation – Justice et Réparation – Justiça e Reparação
- 2 December World Computer Literacy Day
Digital literacy – Alphabétisation numérique – Literacia digital
Free Holiday Computer Lessons for Children – Cours d’Informatique Gratuits pour Enfants – Aulas de Computação Gratuitas para Crianças
- 3 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Disability Awareness – La sensibilisation au handicap – La sensibilización sobre la discapacidad
- 5 December International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
- 9 December International Anti-Corruption Day
Africa’s Blueprint for Action – Plan d’action pour l’Afrique – Plano de Acção para a África
- 18 December International Migrants Day
Child Migrants – Enfants Migrants – Crianças Migrantes
Refugee/IDP crisis in Africa – Crise des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées en Afrique – Crisis abrumadora de refugiados y desplazados internos en África
We pay tribute to the dedication, hard work and commitment of the many front-line social workers, professionals and people in Africa and the Diaspora who are striving to build a child-friendly world for this and future generations.